Weare committed to respecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy Statement is madein accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance Cap 486 and the PersonalData (Privacy) (Amendment) Ordinance of the Laws of Hong Kong (“Ordinance”) andrelated guidelines issued by the Hong Kong Office of the Privacy Commissionerfor Personal Data and sets out our policies and practices with regard to theuse, collection, sharing and security of your Personal Data when you use thisWebsite and our Services.
1. What is “PersonalData”?
Forthis Privacy Policy Statement, the meaning of the term “Personal Data” isdefined in the Ordinance. Other defined terms shall have the meaning ascribedto them in the Terms of Use unless otherwise indicated.
2. What personal datado we collect and when?
Wecollect the following Personal Data:
a.when you register to use the Services, purchase our Products, or become a CityChain Member, we collect your Registration Details, like name, mobile number, WeChatI.D., email address, physical address, gender and birth month;
b.we also collect the Personal Data you may volunteer in response to surveys orquestionnaires we may conduct;
c.please refer to paragraph 7 “Cookies” under Terms of Use for Personal Datawhich we may collect when you visit our Website.
Wealso collect the above Personal Data when you, activate the services of ourBusiness Partners and at any time you update your Personal Data with us.
3. For what purposes dowe use your Personal Data?
YourPersonal Data is collected for the following purposes: –
a. provision of our Services to you;
b. making available our Products to you;
c.carrying out your instructions or responding to your enquiries, requests andcomplaints;
d.forming part of City Chain’s customer database necessary for the operationscarried on by us and our Affiliates;
e.research and analysis for marketing and promotional purposes;
f.transferring or sharing your Personal Data to/with our Business Partners forthe purposes of carrying out (a) to (d) above in this section;
g.transferring or sharing information under (e) above with our Affiliates
h.to allow our Business Partners or person or body corporate with whom ourBusiness Partners enter into arrangements with to carry out the purposes setout in (a) to (d) above in this section;
i.any purposes related to and/or for the furtherance of (a) to (h) above; and
j.direct marketing
Withoutyour consent, we shall not use your Personal Data for purposes other than thosespecified above.
4. Accuracy
Wewill take all practicable steps to ensure that Personal Data collected isaccurate. Please endeavor to provide us with accurate Personal Data when youregister and where there are any changes to your Personal Data, please informus as soon as possible.
5. Personal DataSharing, Transfer and Disclosure
YourPersonal Data may be collected, processed, stored and/ or transferred to/incountries outside of Hong Kong. Where sharing, transfer or disclosure isnecessary to satisfy the purpose, or a directly related purpose, for which thePersonal Data was collected, we may provide your Personal Data to the followingparties:
a.we may disclose, transfer and/ or share your Personal Data with our BusinessPartners;
b.Personal Data may also be disclosed to any person or persons pursuant to anystatute or as required by any court of law in Hong Kong, provided such personor persons are able to prove the required right/authority to access suchinformation;
c.we will not sell your Personal Data to any person or company; and
d.we will not share, transfer and/ or disclose your Personal Data to/with anyperson or company (except our Affiliates) for direct marketing purposes.
6. Access andCorrection
a.you may check whether we hold any of your Personal Data and, if so, may requestaccess (i) by sending an email to our Data Protection Officer at cs@citychain.com; or (ii) by post to CityChain Company Limited, 27th Floor, Stelux House, 698 Prince EdwardRoad East, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Attention: Data ProtectionOfficer);
b.corrections (i) by sending an email to our Data Protection Officer at cs@citychain.com; or (ii) by calling ourhotline at (852) 2113 2266. We may record your conversation with us for goodrecord keeping purposes.
Wewill take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access orpermitting corrections to your Personal Data. We will endeavor to respondwithin 40 days of your request in compliance with the Ordinance. We will chargea reasonable fee to cover our administrative costs when you request access toyour Personal Data. We will comply with your request after the imposed fee ispaid. We will not charge a fee for corrections to your Personal Data. Should werefuse your request for access or correction, reason(s) will be given. You mayobject to our reason(s) for our refusal to grant you access or correction.
7. Security
Wewill use reasonable commercial endeavors to protect your Personal Data againstunauthorized or accidental access, processing, erasure or other use but at thesame time we cannot guarantee a 100% security, for example from hacking or cybertheft as your Personal Data is transmitted over the internet. We maintain ourcommitment to data security by implementing appropriate physical, electronicand managerial measures to safeguard and secure your Personal Data.
8. Retention ofPersonal Data
YourPersonal Data will only be retained for as long as is necessary to fulfill theoriginal or the directly related purposes for which it was collected and wherenecessary to comply with applicable laws unless this is contrary to anyapplicable laws.
9. Amendment to this Statement
Wemay amend this Privacy Policy Statement from time to time. If we make anyamendments in the way we use your Personal Data, we will obtain your priorconsent through the contact details provided to us.
10. Statement ofPolicies and Practices on Direct Marketing
CityChain intends to use and may share, transfer and/ or disclose with/ to ourAffiliates your name, email address, mobile number, WeChat I.D., physical address and gender, day of birth,purchase patterns, and preferences for direct marketing purposes as describedbelow:-
a.To enable City Chain and our Affiliates to notify you about promotions andmarketing activities relating to products ,services and other lifestyleaccessories available for sale:
i.at stores,
ii.at this Website; and/or
iii.other websites, online or social media platforms, including apps,
thatare authorised or managed by us or our Affiliates.
b. To enable City Chain and our Affiliates tonotify you about cross promotions and marketing activities relating to thefollowing types of products and services offered by our Business Partners:
Fashion,Footwear, Apparel & Accessories
Travel,Transport, Arts & Entertainment
Digital& Electronics
Hospitality,Food & Beverage
Health,Fashion, Beauty & Accessories
Home& Office
Sports,Toys & Games
You shall not receivedirect marketing materials if you do not consent to City Chain’s use of yourPersonal Data for direct marketing purposes as described in this Privacy PolicyStatement.
In future, if you donot wish to continue receiving our newsletters, marketing and promotionalmaterials for direct marketing purposes, please either send an email to DataProtection Officer at cs@citychain.com or call our hotline at (852) 2113 2266to notify us accordingly. We may record your conversation with us for goodrecord keeping purposes. Our customer database will be updated accordingly atno charge to you.